March Challenge: Stations of the Cross

I can’t believe it, but it’s already March!  That means it’s time for our new challenge.  All of March is part of Lent this year, and it’s a great time for us to reflect on the Passion of Jesus.  Our challenge this month, then, is to pray the Stations of the Cross, with your spouse if possible. 

If you are able to, I would highly recommend trying to get to a local church to join a community praying the Stations together; these services are often held on Fridays during Lent.  But I have a newborn and two toddlers, and I get it- sometimes, getting out isn’t an option!  So I found you all a few resources online, too.  If you use one of these, I would still encourage you to move around between Stations, even if that means just taking a few steps into another room of the house- this makes it feel more like you are walking the path to Calvary with Jesus.  You can pray the Stations any time you like, but an ideal time would be Friday afternoons, to remember the time that Christ truly walked this path.  Online resources I love (there are tons of others available, though!):

Written words only, including Scripture and reflections aimed at married couples:

A YouTube video aimed at adults with beautiful images and text on the screen to follow along:

Adorable printable Stations for kids (NOT free, FYI):

A YouTube video for kids: 
I also need to update you on how Chris and I did with the February challenge to pray the Novena for a Happy Marriage (revisit that post here!).  It took us longer than nine days, but in fairness baby David was born late on Day 1 of our novena, so we had a lot on our minds!  We really enjoyed the reflections by St. Josemaria.  They reinforced how important marriage is as a vocation and mission, while focusing on the beauty of the marital covenant.  As always, I would love to hear how these challenges are going for you and your marriage in the comments below.  Good luck with this next challenge!

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