Hi, there!

My name is Caitrin Bennett. I am a lay Catholic author and a homeschooling mama of three. I love Hispanic food, brownie batter ice cream (ok, ANY ice cream!), and spending time at the beach.

Me and my husband, Chris

In early 2020, I noticed that almost all well-known Saints were priests or religious. I started feeling personally called to get to know some Catholic Saints (plus Blesseds, Venerables, and Servants of God on the road to sainthood) who were married. After all, the Church is made up mostly of married people. We need role models in our Vocation, too! I also wanted to learn more about the Church’s teaching on marriage.

My ultimate goal was to write a book that helped other married Catholics grow in holier matrimony in two ways: by introducing some holy married role models, and by explaining our marital vows in light of the beautiful teachings of the Magisterium.

In 2022, after lots of praying and editing, I finally found a home for my book! Marian Press published ‘Holier Matrimony: Married Saints, Catholic Vows, and Sacramental Grace’ in fall of 2024, and it is available for purchase right here!

You can read more about my journey to publication here on this blog. I also cross-post articles I have written for the Catholic Mom community here, and there are dozens of articles here about married Saints, marriage challenges, modern Catholic married couples, and much more. I hope my blog and book are each a blessing to your marriage!

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