Hello, faithful readers!

This is a very quick post to let you all know that after years of researching, writing, seeking a publisher, and editing… my book is finally available for purchase through Marian Press right here!

I am thrilled, honored, and so grateful to God for each and every one of you who have prayed for me and supported me through this process. Now comes the final step… Share, share, share! I would so appreciate if you would send along the purchase link, or purchase an extra copy to gift to a friend today. Help me get the good news about Catholic sacramental marriage and the friendship of some amazing married Saints out to as many readers as possible.

If you grab a copy, let me know in the comments! It will totally make my day!

All my love,


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2 Replies to “Debut book NOW AVAILABLE!”

  1. Caitrin, congratulations on your new book! I am so excited for you and wish you much success with it. I am also a contributor. It is wonderful to see fellow writers publishing new books.
    God bless!

    1. Thank you so much for reading and for your support, Tina! Catholic Mom has been such a wonderful resource for me to connect with other Catholic mamas and writers! I am very grateful for it.

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