No, Queen- You Can’t Do It All Alone

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*Note that this is cross-posted from Catholic Mom, where I write monthly. Head over there to check out my other posts, and meet some other awesome Catholic mama writers!

I Can’t Do All of This

Here is the gist of a conversation I frequently hear playing out, both online and in real life.

Woman A: “I am so overwhelmed! Projects are due soon at work, the baby is teething, the preschooler is having tantrums multiple times a day, the laundry is piling up, and I never seem to have time to even make dinner. I can’t do all of this.”

Woman B: “Yas, queen! It’s a lot, but you are so amazing and strong! You can do it!”

…But she just told you that she couldn’t.

As women, we often jump to encourage one another, and this is a wonderful instinct. However, when you feel like you are drowning, you don’t just need a cheerleader–you need a life raft. 

Be the Life Raft!

Sometimes, it is actually more comforting to hear, “You’re right, that’s a lot, and you can’t do all that alone. How can I help?” I would love to see more women volunteering to babysit for one another, to grab something for a friend at the store, or to go over and help fold laundry. While you are folding, by all means, listen, encourage, and cheerlead for her. But when your friend tells you that, right now, she can’t do it all, believe her.

Asking for help can be humbling and scary, but consider it from the other side. Wouldn’t you be more than happy to help a friend, in a particular way that you know they really need help? Wouldn’t it be great to know you made their life easier in some way today? 

Meanwhile, as Christians we know that we cannot do anything all on our own. We need the grace of God to get us through life, from the mundane tasks that just keep building up, to particular trials that seem insurmountable. So, if you feel totally overwhelmed by life today, I encourage you to first pray for God’s grace to strengthen you. Then, reach out to your mom, your best friend, or your neighbor with one particular place in your life you need help. And when a day comes that you are feeling less overwhelmed yourself, ask “What can I do to help you out today?”

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