Hello, readers! I pray you are all having a peaceful, penitential Lenten season. I would love to hear what you are giving up, or what you are adding to your spiritual life, during Lent. Leave me a comment below!
It’s been a while since I’ve updated you on my writing life and the progress of my coming book. So here is a quick update post on what I have been up to!
Collecting book endorsements
I am so excited to be in the home stretch before publication of my debut book, ‘Holier Matrimony: Rediscover the Church’s Gifts to Married People.’ I have just submitted the endorsements I’ve been collecting the past 7 weeks or so. I am overwhelmed with gratitude because I had no fewer than 18 amazing people read my advanced reader’s copy and write me endorsements! That list includes 2 priests, a woman who teaches Theology of the Body at Christendom College, a man from the JPII Foundation, an Emmy-winning documentary filmmaker, and so many talented fellow Catholic authors.
I will be sharing pieces of my endorsements on social media in the coming weeks, but here are a couple of great quotes…
Holier Matrimony by Caitrin Bennett is a must-read for Catholic couples, married or engaged, or anyone who lacks examples of holy marriage in this age that is so fraught with counterfeit love…Truly a gem!
-Samantha Stephenson, author of ‘Reclaiming Motherhood from a Culture Gone Mad’ and host of the podcast “Brave New Us”-
“I would encourage anyone who desires to enrich their marriage or is preparing for that commitment to take this opportunity to meet these Saints and follow their example of faithfulness and love.”
-Fr. Cassidy Stinson, priest for the Diocese of Richmond, VA
Amazing, right?? As my publisher said when I sent in my list of endorsements, my “cup truly runneth over!” If you were one of my first readers and endorsers, thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you haven’t read yet… get excited! We are on track for a summer book release, and I can’t wait to share my work with you.
Attending the CWCO
As I eagerly await the release of my book, I am still working on my craft as a writer in a few ways. First and foremost, I read, read, read! The best way to improve my writing is to read the work of authors who are much more talented than I am. I have been reading some great Catholic nonfiction, including Samantha Stephenson’s book mentioned above. Samantha is brilliant and I have learned so much!
I also continue to write monthly for Catholic Mom- check out all my book reviews and other articles for them right here.
This past weekend, I virtually attended the Catholic Writer’s Conference Online (CWCO). This annual event is sponsored by the Catholic Writer’s Guild, of which I am glad to be a member. This year, I focused on the talks related to book releases, including how to make better Instagram content on Canva, how to be a good podcast guest, and how to write a press release about your book for local media.
If you are an aspiring Catholic writer, I highly recommend both the Guild and its annual Online Conference. I have made so many helpful connections, received so much encouragement, and grown so much as an author.
Recommitting to sharing on social media
The conference reminded me that I need to get back to social media like Instagram, even if it isn’t my favorite thing in the world. So, look for more content from me on my Instagram and Facebook pages in the coming weeks, including more quotes from my wonderful endorsements. I also hope to get a few more posts up on this blog with marriage challenges and holy role-models in marriage…because that’s what you’re here for, right?
Why am I telling you all this? Because if I share these goals with other people, I have to follow through! Keep me accountable, friends!
It won’t be long now! Thank you for all your prayers and support on my writing journey!
In Christ,
Hi Caitlin!
I am so excited for you. I (we)have been working on our marriage with a retreat in Hanceville Alabama. Divine Intimacy in Marriage. I have wanted to do a novena for Married Couples and to my excitement, Hallow prayer app has one. So many wonderful ideas for us. Thanks for all your hard work.
I love Hallow! I currently listen to the Rosary and Night Prayer daily there, and I also have enjoyed the Litany of Humility, Advent music, and much more there. I have a couple posts here on the blog about novenas and other prayer challenges for your marriage- I hope they are helpful to you. Thanks for reading!