Hey there! Have you missed me and my ‘Friends’ references?
But it’s true- I’ve been taking a break. I have been recharging, relaxing a bit, and prayerfully discerning what God might have in store for the book I so badly want to see published, this blog, etc.
I don’t feel like it’s quite time to come out of this period of discernment and recharging just yet. However, I did want to pop in with a quick update post. I haven’t been actively seeking opportunities to grow my readership or market my manuscript, but a few things have just sort of presented themselves or fallen into my lap. “It’s a God thing,” as a friend from college would say.
So… What have I been up to?
1. I was interviewed for an episode of ‘Dead Friend Saints’ podcast
The hour + I spent chatting with Claire Ellendson absolutely flew by. We tried to focus on Bl. Karl I and his wife, Servant of God Zita, the former emperor and empress of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (check out a past blog post on them here). Keyword…tried. We got distracted here and there talking about a bunch of other beautiful parts of our faith.
I highly recommend this podcast as a way to meet some more Dead Friends! You can find my episode right here, or search for “Dead Friend Saints” wherever you prefer to listen to podcasts.
2. I will be attending a virtual writing conference this weekend
The Catholic Writers’ Guild has been helpful to me throughout the process of writing and marketing my manuscript. Now, I will be listening to some of the more seasoned members’ writing advice at their annual conference! I will also get to network with people in the industry, and even pitch my manuscript to two more publishers there. Wish me luck!
3. My manuscript is being professionally edited as we speak
I found a Catholic editor through the same Writers’ Guild, and she is reviewing my work right now. I know it will benefit the writing to have someone new read it, especially someone with lots of experience editing and communicating with Catholic authors and publishers.
I can’t wait to see what my editor has to say about the manuscript, and to work together to improve it and get it out there one day soon!
4. I am now a contributing blogger for CatholicMom.com
Finally, I was urged by a fellow author to apply to contribute to the blog at www.catholicmom.com. This is a beautiful ministry where Catholic women encourage one another on the journey through motherhood, marriage, and crafting our writing.
Look for my monthly posts with concrete ways to live out our marriage vows starting in March! I plan to cross-post to this blog, too, so if you subscribe on the right, you won’t miss out. (P.S.- I have already written many reflections on the marital vows here on this blog! Check them out here.)
What’s next?
Besides these cross-posts, will I be back here again soon? I can’t say just yet. God is working in my life in His own mysterious ways, and I’m just along for the ride. I trust that He will let me know when the time is right to get back to blogging, social media-ing, and general marketing.
If there are any posts you are particularly missing and hope to see again in the future (Spotlight Couples, Married Role-Models, Marriage Challenges…), let me know! In the meantime, know that I am praying for you all and your marriages! And thank you for all your support and prayers.