Embracing the Lenten Sacrifices We Didn’t Choose
I gave up scrolling on Facebook for Lent…but God had other plans. He wanted me to give up my dishwasher and my health. How can we embrace those sacrifices…the ones we didn’t want to take on?
Inspiration for Catholic married couples on their journey to sainthood
I gave up scrolling on Facebook for Lent…but God had other plans. He wanted me to give up my dishwasher and my health. How can we embrace those sacrifices…the ones we didn’t want to take on?
Do you know your spouse’s favorite love language? Is he an Acts of Service person? Does she prefer spending Quality Time with you? Finding out can really strengthen your marriage- and I have some ideas for each love language, too!
My new year’s resolution? To grow in humility. How do I hope to work towards that goal? Read on!
Stuck on what to get a loved one for Christmas? Why not pray a novena on their behalf, and wrap up something symbolic of your prayer? Read on to hear how this has impacted my own life!
Psalm 118 tells us that God made this day, today, exactly as it is. But what if today is the worst day of your life?
Being your spouse’s servant when they are ill or injured can be disgusting and exhausting. Letting them be your servant in turn can be humiliating! But what if every gross moment is part of your vocational journey?
A sacramental marriage comes with the beautiful blessing of sacramental grace. Do you avail yourself of that grace? Did you know you are allowed to and encouraged to ask for renewed grace on the daily??
My children challenge me- force me, even!- to grow in virtue. How is God challenging you to foster the fruits of virtue in your marriage?
Roe v. Wade has been overturned, but there is a lot of work left to do. We need not only pro-life laws but a culture of life to support them. And that culture must start right in your own home and family!
How does your spouse know you love him or her faithfully? If you show up for the small things, you will show up for the big ones, too.