A new home, some rejection e-mails, and… a developing ministry?
An update on trying to get my book published, the ministry I am developing in the meantime, and my family’s move from FL to NC.
Inspiration for Catholic married couples on their journey to sainthood
An update on trying to get my book published, the ministry I am developing in the meantime, and my family’s move from FL to NC.
Our holy role-models for May, The Rugambas, worked for peace and unity in Rwanda, but were killed in the 1994 genocide there. They are currently on the path to beatification by the Church!
Our Spotlight Couple for May is my dear friend Michelle Ferry and her husband, Dennis. Meet this sweet military couple with an awesome backstory and some great advice for us all!
Our second marital vow is to love our spouse completely, or fully. Are you giving your complete gift of self to your spouse? Are you accepting their whole self in return?
The Eucharist is the “source and summit” of our faith as Catholics. Jesus is waiting there for us to adore Him. Are you up to the challenge?
Our holy role-model for April is St. Rita of Cascia, patron saint of abused wives and heartbroken women. There is tragedy in her story, but so much beauty and hope, too.
Our Spotlight Couple for April, Jen and Logan Lirette of Surprised by Marriage!
The first marital vow is to love our spouse freely. How free are you, really? What is enslaving your heart and holding you back from real love?
Our April marriage challenge: A novena to St. Gianna Molla, patron saint of mothers and unborn children.
Our holy role-models for March are not only both saints but also royals!