*Note: This is cross-posted from CatholicMom.com, for whom I serve as a monthly contributor. Head over there to check out everything else I’ve written there, plus tons of content from other amazing Catholic mamas!
The Birth of Feminine Friday
One of the things that concerns me most about modern society is the lack of strong, holy marriages. The foundational institution of marriage is threatened today by rampant divorce, adultery, cohabitation before marriage, permanent cohabitation in place of marriage, fatherlessness, and other related circumstances. I considered why this could be, and observed that most people don’t fully appreciate marriage because they don’t know what marriage is meant to be.

Part of that is a lack of understanding of the balance between true masculinity and true femininity: a balance that God intended for marriage from the beginning. A few years ago, I decided that if I could embrace the gift of femininity that God gave me, maybe I would play a small role in fostering a society that appreciates the feminine-masculine balance. I decided to start wearing a skirt or a dress every Friday, and thus “Feminine Friday” was born. (PS- Here’s a throwback post from my early months doing FF).
At the time, I was living in sunny south Florida, chasing my three young kids around playgrounds every day. Just one day a week, though, I switched out my athleisure attire for a skirt or a dress. My daughter, mother, aunt, and several friends would often join me, too. And, as is so often the case, this little change of habit made a big difference. These days, I probably wear a skirt or a dress about five days a week.
Why wear more dresses and skirts?
Why should you try out this Feminine Friday idea? Here are a few of the reasons I started off with, and a few more I have discovered along the way!
Dress like a lady, act like a lady.

When I am in a dress or a skirt, I do feel more beautiful and feminine. I notice that my behavior can be affected, too: I act more ladylike because I am dressed more like a lady. I even stand up straighter, which is something I’ve always struggled to remember to do!
Thank God for who you are
Femininity is a beautiful gift of God, but it is often overlooked. When I’m in a skirt or a dress, I remember more frequently to thank God for the gift of my femininity, and I ask Him to help me use that gift to glorify Him.
Inspire true masculinity
My husband has told me that he feels encouraged, in turn, by my feminine attire to be more of a truly masculine man of God. I believe other men are, too, whether they realize it or not. Beauty, gentleness, and femininity inspire chivalry, courageousness, and non-toxic masculinity. God Himself designed it that way!
Easy and comfortable
When I first thought up Feminine Friday, I felt a little overwhelmed. Most of the dresses and skirts I had at the time were more formal, because I only wore them on special occasions. Since then, I have bought lots of modest, adorable, and super comfortable skirts and dresses that I can wear to playdates, hikes, or even to mow the lawn. I have found that dresses are the absolute easiest thing to wear: no need to match anything, one piece and you’re done! Both skirts and dresses keep you extra cool in the summertime, and throwing on some leggings or tights underneath and a sweater on top keeps you warm in the winter. I now live farther north and actually get some cold weather here, so this is key!
You are never the worst-dressed person in the room
I don’t know about you, but when I think of times I was embarrassed by what I was wearing, it is much more often because I was under-dressed than because I was over-dressed. Now, if I stop by my church to drop something off, I can pop into the sanctuary to pray for a moment and not wish I was wearing something nicer. I rarely show up to an event I thought would be more casual and wish I could go home and change. In the mornings while I’m homeschooling my kids, if I have to open the door to sign for a package, I’m not cringing at my attire. Instead, my clothing shows my friends, the delivery man, and my own children that my daily tasks are important to me. Life is a special occasion!
Some disclaimers…
I am absolutely not saying you have to be a “girly-girl” to be truly feminine. I am not saying shorts or pants are immoral (I still wear them a couple days a week myself). I am simply sharing my reasoning behind wearing more dresses and skirts and my experiences since I began this experiment.
Try it out and see how it goes for you! Start with just Fridays, and if you want to share on Instagram, use the hashtag #FeminineFriday. I can’t wait to see your outfits!
I love that your husband is inspired in his masculinity, which would include being protector and provider, to you and your family.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church discusses the differences between men and women as beautiful and important–something to be embraced and celebrated instead of denied and criticized.
Wonderful post!!