Updated post: My book!
This blog is related to a book I am hoping to publish soon. Want to hear more about the book?
Inspiration for Catholic married couples on their journey to sainthood
This blog is related to a book I am hoping to publish soon. Want to hear more about the book?
Our first Holy Role-Models are Bls. Luigi and Maria Quattrocchi- the first couple to be beatified together!
Our first Spotlight Couple: my husband Chris and myself!
What is Marriage? What do the Bible and the Magisterium of the Church have to say about the Sacrament of Matrimony?
Our first monthly marriage challenge: Go to Confession!
Hello, friends and family! As I posted originally, I am not planning to truly start this blog until the new year. But I figured I should offer something small in the meantime, just to remind everyone I am still here! I have been working on my book; most recently I have finished my chapter on…
Categories for weekly blog posts for the first year (2021) of my blog!